meet the team
The 20/20 Group is a collaborative team of skilled individuals, each with their own unique service offering

Mel Wicks
Certified Content Marketer, Corporate Writer, and SEO Copywriter

Gaye Scott
Market Research and Community Engagement Specialist

Jodi Peters
Business Management and Corporate Compliance Advisor
Mel crafts the headlines and sentences that persuade your customers to take the action you want. Her words have appeared in websites and landing pages; emails and ad campaigns; blog posts and eBooks; social media and case studies. She’s also a dab hand at press releases, tender submissions and all forms of corporate communications. If you’ve got something important to say, Mel can help you find the right words to say it. Learn more about Mel’s skills and services.
Contact Mel:
Phone: +44 (0)7934 961 211
Gaye is great at asking questions and listening to responses. This makes her a master at customer research as well as community engagement. She facilitates small focus groups or designs region-wide surveys with thousands of responses. Gaye’s a dab hand at identifying who to talk to, compiling stakeholder lists, and using the right mix of communication channels to gather all opinions, not just the vocal minority. Learn more about Gaye’s skills and services.
Contact Gaye:
Phone: +61 (0)418 793 009
Every business needs a dispassionate and trusted advisor. Someone who sits apart from the intensity of daily operations, offering clear, objective direction. After more than two decades of working with commercial, professional and not-for-profit organisations, Jodi thrives on the challenges and satisfaction of assisting businesses, boards and partnerships in this vital role. Learn more about Jodi’s skills and services.
Contact Jodi:
Phone: +61 (0)409 877 619